Dream Large with Pinterest

A month or so ago, Pinterest was not anywhere near the top of my “to do” list. It wasn’t even on it! I was standing in defiance of the latest social media trend that threatened to steal even more time from my day and suck more life out of what creativity I had left! Curiosity, however, got the best of me. (Not to mention the constant nudge of the savvy social media gurus who haunt me.)

I have to chuckle to myself now as I remember the running commentary in the early Pinterest days, mostly by men, about how it was a platform for “girls” and “mindless creatives” (really, is there even such a thing??). How very little such commentators know of the vast and powerful creative force! Now, I’m happy to say, bah humbug! And smugly be grateful I’m a female born with the gift of being able to see something beyond the linear horizon. I invite you to do the same, if you have not already.

Pinterest is the perfect venue upon which to create a dream board, for your work, your project or your life. I attempted several dreams boards, or vision boards, as some call them in the old fashion cut and paste way. I even completed several small ones but I always felt limited by my choice of pictures. I do not buy magazines, particularly the ones with the most beautiful pictures (also more expensive), and I never took the time to track down where I might find free magazines. Pinterest offers, absolutely free, access to the unfathomable array of photos and graphics that only it can assemble and make available at our fingertips. (Think of all the trees we’re saving as well!)

Creating a dream board will fire up your creativity and help you obtain a new perspective on things. If you are unfamiliar with the basic concept, you will find more info in an article by Martha Beck, who is a huge proponent of vision boards.  I urge you to give it a try. And now Pinterest makes it so easy! Using a virtual venue won’t give you the feel of scissors, paper and glue, but it will give you plenty of visual inspiration.

You are welcome to visit the meager beginnings of my dream board. You might want to follow it because it is going to be awesome (at least to me!). Maybe it will inspire you too.  Please send me an invitation to yours as well. I have no doubt you will inspire me!

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