Finding Hope – Quotes & Inspiration for Midlife Women

Finding Hope June 2014


Quotes & Inspiration

Mounting life pressures, unexpected change or disappointment can leave us depleted and without hope. In this book the author gives her readers just the lift they need to make it through hard times. Packed with insight and inspiration, this carefully crafted collection of vignettes and quotes by some of the world’s greatest teachers, will help you right your ship and find balance in your life once again. Available for Kindle on Amazon


“This little book really resonated with me in so many areas. It’s clear the author has lived a life like many of us reflecting a few regrets and insecurities, some hurts and some loss combined with much success and happiness. I love the way she has learnt how to be positive and turn life’s tragedies and challenges into times of learning and growing. As I hurtle towards my three score years and ten I was beginning to feel depressed and conscious of the time ticking away. This book has come just at the right time to encourage me and make me appreciate all that I have rather than focusing on the things I don’t have. I think many women over 50 will enjoy the inspiration and quotes. It’s a book you can dip in and out of picking up little gems of encouragement just when you need it most.”    Pat Price,  Babyboomers Retiring

“I keep my copy by my bed and the pages are already dogeared from reading i t so much. Whenever I pick it up I seem to find something that gives me hope and lifts my spirits!”  says fifty-two year old Cindy L.

“My kids left home in September and I’m still trying to adjust, to find myself again and Dorothy’s book has been just what I needed.” ~ Joyce, 49

“I’ve been taking care of my elderly mother full time for the last several months. I don’t have time to sit down and read a book but I can grab a few minutes here and there to read one of Dorothy’s little stories or reflect on a quote.  The book has saved my life. I even read bits and pieces to Mom when she is having a bad day and it really seems to help her.”   Martha L. (62)

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