us election 2016We are coming face to face with our history and our destiny. This morning I attempted to put thoughts about the election into words. This is a turning point for us as a nation. I feel it. I sense it. I pray we chose the light.

Here’s what I wrote on Facebook:

My first election vote was cast in the McGovern vs. Nixon race in 1972. Focused on my own young life, I didn’t take time to read much about the political stance of either candidate. I did, however, use my intuition and my senses, as I watched the candidates speak and interact, to determine who I believed had the strength of character to further our country’s values.

I voted for McGovern. Even at that young age I sensed Nixon’s underlying character flaws just bey watching him. History revealed the true results of that election in this regard. Did my vote count? It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that it did not, and perhaps it didn’t. Not everyone sees what we see, but we must never stop fighting for what we believe.

This election is by far the most unusual in my life time. For the first time, we have chosen a candidate to run for office who does not have the typical background considered qualifications for being President. This is less important than the fact that we have a candidate who does not have the core principles and values upon which this country was founded. Not even close. Therein lies the true danger, in my opinion.


Strength of character is more difficult to perceive, but nevertheless profoundly influences how an individual lives their lives personally and how they lead. Think Lincoln, Nixon, Kennedy, Obama and how their character shaped our future. The US President symbolizes what our country stand for. He/she is the face we show the world. Our world is shrinking and we dare not stray far from our origins if we are to continue to be a world leader.

This election has forced us to face our shadow. We have had to look into the eyes of egoism, hatred, division, anger, despair, frustration, meanness, prejudice, abuse, and self-aggrandizement. It isn’t pretty. We must be careful not to assume that we hold none of these characteristics. We all carry a shadow self, that when buried too far out of sight will jump up and bite us in the butt. Right now, in the national arena, we are experiencing this. As a collective we have been ignoring our shadow. It’s time to take a hard look and choose the light.

shadowWe have the choice.

We tend to believe that we are powerless on the national scale. This is not true. We do have a choice. Every day. Each small choice adds up to the big ones that appear at election time. The way each and every one of us answers this question on a day-to-day basis, results in our collective choices nationally. It’s up to us.

Will we choose fear over open heartedness? Will we choose hate over acceptance and tolerance? Will we choose self-respect and self-esteem over ego gratification? Will we choose generosity and compassion over the need to be in control?

We are being challenged to stand by our principles, to stand by the fundamental values upon which this country was built. This election is not a vote for policy, it’s a vote for decency, respect, equality, kindness, acceptance, tolerance and the fundamental, underlying core values upon which this great country has stood for centuries. Are we willing to let our ideals slip through our fingers and into the hands of fear?

VOTE from your heart, not your fear. VOTE every day in as many ways possible for your highest values. We must walk our talk not only in the way we vote, but the way we live. This is the only way we will keep this country on the path of good.

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]”We are the engines that give life to those that emerge from the crowds.”  ~ Caroline Myss [/tweetthis]

After I finished writing this post, I read Caroline Myss’ post today. She says what I was trying to say much better. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read it.

This Election is an Encounter with the Force of Destiny by Caroline Myss

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