Taking Action In The New Year – Making It Your Best Yet

For many of us, the new year is a time for reflection. There is also a tendency to feel a little down in January. The weather is cold, the festivities are over, and there’s a sense of things ending. With every ending, this is also an opportunity for a new beginning. So thoughts of the year gone by and the one ahead of us are natural.

Making resolutions is a common activity. We get fired up by our goals and then to often try to put them all into action on the first day.  It’s no wonder we abandon them so quickly. Regardless, using the new years as an opportunity for reflection and goal setting is a valuable process.  The best place to begin when making changes in your life is with the basics and with goals that will improve your life in a very personal way. Here are some suggestions as to where you might begin.

focus on yourself



To live a long, healthy, and productive life it is necessary to practice good self-care. We are of no use to anyone if we are not healthy in body, mind and spirit. Taking a closer look at the health of our food choices is an obvious starting place. Holiday indulgences can leave us feeling bloated and lethargic which provides the kick in the butt we need to make dietary changes.

It’s smart to avoid trying extreme diets. We want quick results but they are often unsustainable. Making small, incremental changes over a longer period of time may slow your weight loss, but will insure longer lasting and sustainable health as well as weight loss. Each successful change improves our energy and self-esteem. Success begets success.


Adding a fitness goal to your plans for the new year will not only fuel your weight loss, but improve your mood and energy.  Again, set small, reachable goals and remember to pat yourself on the back when you achieve them. Small changes add up to big benefits over time.


Sometimes setting a goal to improve our mindset is exactly what we need in the new year. Whether it’s the January blues, or the stress of world events, negative thinking can creep into our patterns of thought. Making an effort to exchange a negative thought for a positive one is surprisingly effective. In addition, taking time to reflect and explore on the source of negative thought patterns can bring hidden habits to our awareness. Once we see the patterns they are easier to change.


Maybe this year your resolutions will be all about your finances. Perhaps it’s time to become more financially savvy, take steps to save more and spend less, or restructure your finances. It may be time to refinance home loan to consolidate debts or use your equity for home improvements. Another worthy goal is to become debt free by paying credit cards, loans and other debt.

The perfect first step to getting our finances under control is to take a close look at where things stand now.  Make an accurate list of all monthly expenses and outstanding debts. Figure out exactly what you need to live on each month while you’re doing this. Then do the same with income.  Then it’s easier to see where you can make changes to reach your goals.

For example, if your goal is to save more, decide where you can cut spending. The food bill is one example. Bringing your lunch to work rather than eating out is a great start. It will not only benefit your bottom line, but your diet goals as well.  In addition, plan meals before going to the grocery. It’s more efficient and helps curb impulse buying.  You may also want to consider switching to generic brand products where appropriate.


Perhaps this new year is the one you decide to make changes in your career or work life. Maybe you haven’t known what you wanted to do until now, but now you are ready to make the changes necessary to achieve your goal.  Going back to university or college to study for a specific degree may be at the top of your list. Or securing the necessary qualifications to change your career or go for that promotion you have been dreaming about.

Some people see the new year as motivation to start their own business. Being self-employed and working from home can be an exciting prospect, but one that takes work, planning and dedication. You may already have something you’re working on, a blog or YouTube channel that began as a hobby but is ready to monetize.


Finally, this year for you may be all about family. It could be that you want to plan your weekends carefully so that you can enjoy days out or quality family time. Travel could be front and center in your mind, and enjoying family time while visiting different places. Taking a little time to make a list of what you’d like to do and where’ you’d like to go is a great first step to making it happening.

No matter what your goals are for the New Year, each one can be achieved one small step at a time.



One Reply to “Taking Action In The New Year – Making It Your Best Yet”

  1. Your post is so timely for me!

    I get around the after-holiday letdown by planning my new year! Why leave it to chance or fate or worse — whatever.

    I am reviewing my New Year’s Resolutions list from 2018, and I’m happy with how much I have accomplished. My 2019 list will have every one of your categories on it, too. Even though I’m 70, I’m working on improving my physical self, growing a small business I own, and working on living with less.

    What I have discovered is that my resolution list is what would happen in my perfect world. A year of success really means that I have made some progress in 6 out of 10 resolutions. Completing or establishing permanence in 3 out of 10 is great success. The success percentages are never big numbers. This has been consistently true for me in the past 20 years. I am content with moving in a good direction. Planning that direction is fun for me. And necessary!

    Last year, for the first time, I wrote 10 personal resolutions and 10 business resolutions. I’ll be looking at both lists to see what I can use/continue in 2019, too.

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