The Common Causes Of Premature Aging

Premature aging

No one wants to get old, but it is unfortunately unavoidable. Most people worry about aging because it will mean losing their youthful looks. Being visibly old feels like a failure in our culture, even though we all will sooner or later.

It is true that we cannot avoid the aging process, but what we can do is take steps to prevent premature aging. We don’t have to look older than we are, and there are easy, common sense actions we can take to stay healthy and vibrant longer.

One of the best ways to prevent premature aging is to understand its causes. There are many different reasons why some people look visibly older than their peers. Following are a few of the most common causes of premature aging and how to be prevent them.

aging skin

Sun Damage 

We all know that we shouldn’t expose our skin to the sun for long periods of time. There are various health risks, including sunburn and skin cancer. What some people don’t realize, though, is that excessive exposure to the sun can also lead to wrinkles. In fact, the main reason why some people look older than they are is because they don’t protection their skin from the sun. If you don’t already do so, begin applying sunscreen with a high SPF on all exposed skin. This includes not only the face, but hands and arms as well.  Even on cloudy days our skin benefits from SPF protection.


Hopefully, you don’t smoke, but if you do and your concerned about your aging appearance, it’s another reason to quit.  We all know there is a large list of health risks associated with smoking, including heart disease, lung cancer, and high blood pressure. But there are additional negative results.  Smoking dries the skin which causes wrinkles and lines even at a very young age. Many smokers also suffer from blotchy skin. To prevent this habit from aging you too soon, simply stub it out for good.

stress and aging


Smoking isn’t the only habit that can have a negative impact on your skin. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will as well! Just like smoking, it dries the skin.  That’s not all though, as alcohol will add harmful toxins to the skin. If you only enjoy a couple of drinks a week, then there is nothing to worry about. If, however, you drink most evenings, then think about cutting back. Doing so will do wonders for your skin and will benefit your health in a whole variety of ways. 


Are you living a stress life style? Are your days busy with work and your private life filled with demands? It’s easy to all behind in our attempts to manage stress, but doing so takes a toll on our health. Stress increases your chances of high blood pressure and insomnia, and contributes to premature aging. There’s one easy solution, make a commitment to reduce the stress in your life and place more attention on learning to relax. If you struggle to chill out after work, change your routine. Instead of racing home and jumping into chores or personal responsibilities, take some time to soak in the tub or read a book. Taking an hour or yourself  before bed will help you unwind and sleep will come more easily.

aging and diet

A Poor Diet

Another cause of premature aging is a poor diet. Your skin benefits from lots of vitamins and nutrients which will keep you looking younger longer. Begin to eat foods that are known to promote skin health, such as avocados, fatty fish, and sweet potatoes. Select foods that contain high levels of vitamins C, D, and K. and those with a lot of antioxidants.  These food are not only good for your overall health and weight control, they can help you beat wrinkles and blemishes as well.


Weight tends to creep up on us as we get older, even if we were thin when we were young.  People who are underweight often look older than they are as well. Generally speaking, striving for an average weight for your size will keep your skin healthy and younger looking. When people are too slim, their skin doesn’t contain enough fatty acids to make it smooth and plump. As a result, a gaunt looking appearance can result. Too much weight can create poor muscle tone in the face, and lead to saggy skin. So, if you are over or underweight, now is the time to address the issue for a younger looking you tomorrow!

aging and sleep

Lack Of Sleep

How have you been sleeping recently? If the answer is not too well, then you probably look tired. Not enough sleep leads to dry skin which in turn leads to more wrinkles, age lines, and blemishes. That’s not all, though. If you aren’t getting enough sleep,  your eyes will likely be swollen and puffy. If you struggle to sleep, there are over the counter natural remedies available. For instance, you might want to add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow. This gentle scent is known for its relaxing effects and may help you drift off to sleep. Many people also find drinking chamomile tea helpful. 

Not Enough Exercise

Plenty of exercise helps the body stay in good shape and prevents premature aging.  It helps to reduce the risk of age-related health conditions, including arthritis and osteoporosis.  Gradually add more exercise into your daily routine and you will see a positive impact on many other areas of your life as well. 

You don’t have to just “put up” with the effects of premature aging. There are many steps you can take to become proactive and address the causes. Who knows? You might even start looking younger than your years, and you might even enjoy life more!

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