If you have Any of These Health Symptoms It’s Time to See the Doctor

Many of us struggle with whether or not it is time to see the doctor about a physical problem, or illness we are experiencing. The following guidelines will help to take the guesswork out of the process for you. The bottom line is, however, when in doubt make an appointment. If nothing else you will gain peace of mind.

Persistent or High Fever

A fever is just one of the many ways our body fights infection naturally. If you have a very high fever that lasts more than a couple of days, then it’s certainly time for you to go and see a doctor. This could be a sign of a serious infection that if left untreated may get worse, whereas with prompt and appropriate treatment could be taken care of in a matter of days.

Catching Every Cold or Virus

If you have an ordinary cold, you may not feel as though you need to see a doctor. If, however,  your cold lingers and doesn’t seem to go away,  it may be time to seek professional help. This is especially the case if your cough lasts for more than two weeks, or if you have flu-like symptoms. If it is a stomach virus and you are unable to keep anything down, an IV to deliver fluids to your body will help your body function while you fight off the virus.

Losing Weight Unintentionally

Unexplained weight loss could be the result of diabetes, an overactive thyroid, liver disease or even depression. As a general rule of thumb, if you lose more than 10% of your total body weight over a 6 month period, then it may be time for you to schedule an appointment.

time to see the doctor

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Shortness of Breath, Is it Time to See the Doctor?

Obesity, high altitudes, strenuous exercise or even extreme temperatures are all normal reasons for you to be short of breath. If, however, you do not believe that any of these are the cause of your shortness, then it’s time to see the doctor.  It may be that you have bronchitis, asthma or another related health condition that  can be addressed by a medical practitioner. This is especially the case if you have symptoms that come on quickly.

Severe Chest Pain or Tightness

Intense or abnormal pain usually indicates an underlying problem, and this is certainly something that demands a doctor’s attention. It may be that you have gallstones, heart problems or even a kidney infection that your doctor can address for optimum care.

Any Kind of Hearing Problem

If you have hearing problems, this could be a sign that you have an underlying condition. Click here for more details on signs and symptoms of hearing loss and treatment options.

Bright Flashes or Spots

If you are a migraine sufferer, you may find that you experience bright spots or even flashes in your vision. Sudden bright flashes can also be a sign that your retina has detached, and this is a serious condition that requires medical attention. Without medical attention, there is a risk of vision loss. This can be avoided most of the time by seeing your doctor for a proper assessment.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it’s time to see the doctor. Practice good self-care, you’re worth it!




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