mental healthWe all know now that mental health is just as important as other areas of our well-being. We’ve always looked for ways to have a happy living, of course. Now, though we’re a lot more educated on the psychological side of things. Due to the fact that we’re evolving as a society technologically and young people are subjected to all kinds of pressure (social media, etc.), we tend to focus on  millennials and generation Z in regard to mental health. But, those who are older suffer too. Their pressures and concerns are different, but no less problematic.

We are quick to recognize the physical changes that come with each passing year, but less likely to take note of how our mental state may have changed. If you are personally in a good spot, that’s great. It’s still important to be proactive in order to maintain good mental health. If, on the other hand, you are prone to dipping a more rigorous approach may be necessary. No matter which category you fall in to, the following four steps will help to keep your mental state in a good place going forward.

Always Stay As Active As You Can

Keeping active is a hallmark of staying happy, healthy and mental fit. While it’s not a cure all, physical activity can make a significant impact on our mental health because with it comes the release of good feeling chemicals. In addition, activity and keeping focus on something, prevents us from sitting around and overthinking.

Keep The Home Safe And Sound

Feeling safe in our home is important. When we worry about tripping, or falling, or some other disaster we can start to feel an ongoing level of fear. Fear can lead to generalized anxiety and our mental health suffers.

It’s common to feel this type of anxiety when we’re in a new environment, but it can can also occur as we age in places we used to feel comfortable – like our home.  Ease anxiety by talking to professionals who can add safety features to your home and offer advice as to how to avoid falls.  Go through a bathroom safety checklist, and check that nothing in your home is malfunctioning.  A proactive approach will increase your sense of confidence in your surroundings and help dissipate any anxiety.   

Be Positive And Treat Everyone With Love And Respect

Our attitude can have an enormous impact on our mental health. When we work at being positive and caring we will find it coming back to us. Negativity, after all, gets us nowhere. Showing others respect will also result in you being respected back by others, and with self-respect comes confidence and a sense of well-being. 

Make Sure You’re In Touch With Those You Love

As we age, we might start to lose touch with the best people in your life – especially if we’re not with the new technological means of connection. We all need to have people in our lives whom we love and love us. If we feel poorly, or blue, we may avoid reaching out, but that’s when it’s most important to do so. Keep the people you love close by. Your mental health will thank you.

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