How to Encourage Yourself to Stay Active in Your Later Years

We all want to stay active as long as we can. The problem is, when we start to encounter the normal and natural slow down of the aging process we get discouraged. Feelings of sadness and loss can quickly sap our energy and make matters worse.  Recognizing that the loss of function is a loss is the first step to moving past it. Just because we can’t spend hours in the garden tending to plants and produce doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a smaller version of our passion. Staying active actually helps us maintain a healthy body and mind and a little effort goes a long way. 

Staying active is the best way to stay happy through the years. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Stay Active

Practice the hobbies that you’ve always loved.

There’s no reason why you need to stop enjoying your hobbies. Even if there are physical problems that prevent you from doing certain things, such as decreased finger dexterity, the trick is either finding a way around the problem, or trying something slightly different. The important thing is keep doing what you enjoy doing. So, search for hobby ideas to stay active, and find one that you can do comfortably. There are lots of suggestions on the internet or check in with friends or family members who might have a suggestion.

Never stop learning.

One of the keys to keeping an active mind is to never stop learning new things. The trick is, however, to learn more about the things that we care about and are important to us. It’s not learning trying to learn things just for the sake of learning. What keeps our brain active is using it, not simply to store information, but to process information. Problem solving, expanding our awareness and understanding of an issue that is important to us helps our brain stay agile.

Exercise for a healthy body and mind.

Exercise is a great for both our physical health and our mental health.. Gentle regular exercise doesn’t require a gym membership or expensive equipment. Simply focus on walking more, stretching your muscles. The good old fashioned “daily constitution” coupled with a healthy diet goes a long way to helping us stay active.

Don’t neglect to speak with a doctor now and then.

Lastly, make sure you speak to your doctor now and then and discuss any concerns you’re having. You can find geriatric specialists such as Dr. Hooshang Poor by looking online or by asking around in your local area. Finding a specialist that focuses on elderly care is a great way to ensure that you’re always taken care of and that any potential issues you face are dealt with immediately.

Do something that keeps your mind active by stimulating your brain.

Keep your mind active by doing things that stimulates your brain. In addition to learning new things as mentioned above, engaging in activities such as playing online games, doing puzzles, or even engaging in conversations with friends and family members helps keep your brain active and ensures that your cognitive function doesn’t decline.

2 Replies to “How to Encourage Yourself to Stay Active in Your Later Years”

  1. Good advice, Dorothy. Like you, I stay active. Nowadays it’s with blogging and writing articles (occasionally) for the Story Circle Network. Also, I walk daily. I used to have a high-step goal for my Fitbit but have reduced it somewhat so I don’t pressure myself as much. I enjoy my ZOOM Pilates class about twice a week where I meet friends from the gym, most a whole lot younger than I am.

    About doctor visits: My doctor won’t renew my prescriptions unless I see him periodically, so that takes care of that! 🙂

    1. A zoom Pilates class sounds fun. I keep threatening to give an online class a try. My almost daily walk helps me keep my health and my sanity! I did the same with my Fitbit goal. In the beginning everyone was pushing 10,000 steps. The only person I knew who did that was my sister! And she frequently makes it much higher, but she’s one of those rare people who absolutely never sits still. When she does, she’s asleep. Once I moved it to 6,000 I enjoyed a whole lot more successes! Someone suggested even that’s too high, but most days I come close if not hit the mark and I reason it keeps pushing me. Reading and writing, my favorite go tos, are such sedentary activities that I’m pretty sure I could stay put in a comfy spot 24/7 if I allowed myself.

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