Feel Like You
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

It’s not uncommon to feel a loss of identity as we get older. We may no longer be able to do things we once did and, when we look the mirror we no longer see a familiar face. Life as we knew has changed, including our day to day routines. Inside you still feel like you, but everything else is different.

Your day may revolve around your need for  oxygen services, or you lack the energy to do the things you once enjoyed doing. If this is the case, it is important not to fret. There are ways to feel like you again, to make the most of every day no matter what your age. Here are a few  tips to get your started.

  • Look After Your Appearance

Just because you are getting older doesn’t mean that you can’t still look great. While appearances aren’t everything, there is plenty of value in how much better you feel when you know you are looking your best. Keep up with a skincare routine. Taking good care of our skin makes a difference in the way it looks and feels. Wear clothes you love and feel comfortable wearing. Perhaps you love jewelry. If so, treat yourself regardless of what you’re doing by putting on a necklace or earrings. And, by all means, get your hair done. It always feels good to be pampered by a hairdresser. If these are things you have always loved, why stop them?

  • Eat healthily

The better you eat, the better you will feel. A healthy diet is an essential part of good self-care, and you will reap the rewards with extra energy to do a few things you love to do. A healthy diet also contributes to a better night’s sleep and to feelings of well-being.  Drinking enough water is also important, and being dehydrated has been shown to disrupt feel sleep. Water, fruits, vegetables,  protein and vitamins and minerals consumed on a regular basis, will in time, not only healthier, but will help you feel like you.

  • Go for walks

Don’t underestimate the power of nature! Plenty of fresh air has an amazing ability to make us feel happier and and more energetic. If you have a dog walk him/her regularly. You will both be happy. If not, just go by yourself. Buy a pair headphones and tune into some music while you’re walk. Or, talk to a friend, or listen to an audio book. Taking time each day to enjoy a walk, take in the sights and sounds, wave at your neighbor as she’s driving, or see what’s growing in her garden are all great benefits of walking. Exercise and nature both combat depression and contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

  • Spend time with loved ones

Nothing can make us happier than spending time with the people we love and who love us. Be kind to yourself and make regular time to see your family and friends. Connect in person, via video call, or over the phone. The people that know us best are perfect for sharing stories, joking and brightening up our day.

By make just a few simple adjustments to your life you will feel like you once again. Just because we are getting older, doesn’t mean that we’re not the same person on the inside. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones and you will experience the difference in can make.

What are some ways that you take care of yourself so that you feel more like you?  Share yours in a comment below.




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