Choosing a nursing home is not something we want to think about in advance. To do so is to acknowledge that we’re getting older, we’re sick, or we’re less independent than we once were. It may mean all of these things at once. Yet, a good nursing home can be exactly what we need to improve our quality of life. Having day to day needs met can give us the freedom to enjoy other, more interesting parts of our life. Interests will be stimulated and the availability of a healthy, well-balanced diet may actually improve an individual’s health and energy.

Of course, finding a good nursing home is a challenge. Whether it’s for you or a family member, there are so many to choose from. It can feel overwhelming. It’s something that you might want to put off for as long as possible, but really shouldn’t.

Ideally, as soon as you think a nursing home might be at least an option for you or a loved one, you should start your research. Even if it’s months or years before a move move comes, being ready and knowing exactly where you want to go will give you peace of mind. Here are some of the things to take into consideration when choosing a nursing home.

choosing a nursing home

Location And Size

The location might not seem like too much of an issue when you’re first looking around. You’ll think of facilities, potential issues, and so on, and we will cover some of these considerations in this article. However, we’ll start with the location precisely because it’s something that is too often overlooked and can make a big difference when making the final decision.

Those moving to a nursing home want to stay close to familiar surroundings. And they will undoubtedly want to be close to family and friends. Not only will this mean more frequent visitors, but it also makes day trips and excursions easier to arrange and carry out. Finding a nursing home that caters to all your needs but is many miles away might seem like the sensible choice. But when reality sets in, it’s often not a good choice.

On top of this, the size of the nursing home is important to consider as well. Larger nursing homes might be perfect for those who are very social and outgoing. They are especially suited to those who are happy to do their own thing and don’t need one-to-one care. A smaller place is better for more introverted people who like quiet surroundings or need more attention for any reason.


You have now determined the best size of the nursing home to look for. Plus, you know where it should be (say, perhaps, in a 45-minute radius of your home). Your choices are subsequently narrowed considerably. This makes the next step easier.

Next, take a look at the nursing homes left on your list. Check each facility and evaluate what they have to offer. When choosing a nursing home, the medical facilities are the most important area of consideration. Does the individual have special requirements? What are they and does the facility offer special care for these requirements?

Next, consider the social offerings of the facility. What kind of activities are offered? Is there bus service available for activities outside of the facility, such as transportation to church, doctor’s appointments and shopping? Some services are absolutely essential, others while not must-haves, may add to the quality of life for the individual. What are the most important things you want the facility to have?

Red Flags

Just as you should be looking for the positives in each potential nursing home, it is sensible to look for the negatives as well. You want to have as complete a picture as possible before making your final decision. Remember, nowhere is perfect, and when it comes to choosing a nursing home there will be some downsides to each option. It will come down to compromise, what are you willing to overlook vs. the benefits.

Look for the big red flags. These will include a poor history when it comes to health and safety violations, or incidents that involved tough nursing home abuse attorneys. Even if things were settled and the situation is better now, you want to make sure you have peace of mind about safety. Whether or not a facility has a movie night once may seem less important and easier to overlook if everything else stacks up positively.


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