Acceptance doesn’t always come naturally. It is, however, a skill one can learn and practice, and doing so can make all the difference in how happy we are and our enjoyment of life. 

Getting older is a fact of life. It is also a fact that t is hard for some of us to accept and adapt to the changes we are experiencing.  Loss, health concerns, isolation, inactivity, all can pile up before we know it and we find we’re miserable.

The key to staying happy is focusing on acceptance rather than fear and anxiety. It starts with recognizing we have control over our thoughts and nudging them in a different direction. Rather than allowing our fearful, anxious thoughts to run our lives, we can learn different, more positive thoughts that will actually lift our spirits and change our lives.   

Develop Acceptance



Practicing mindfulness, is a perfect first step. We hear about meditation and mindfulness often these days, but too often it sounds like just one more overwhelming thing to do. In fact, there’s nothing easier than mindfulness once you understand what it is.

Mindfulness is simply the practice of focusing one’s attention on the here and now. This moment. This place. This chair I am sitting in. Focus your attention on the sensations in your feet as they rest on the floor beneath them. Feel the weight of them, the hardness of the floor, the ridges in the carpet. Wiggle your toes and notice the sensations. This is all there is to mindfulness.

When we are noticing what is in the present moment, our minds cannot worry about the future or lament the past. The fact is, there is nothing we can do about the past and the future has not yet arrived. So why fret over it?

Mindfulness creates gives us a place to breathe away from our rational mind and its constant need to label and judge. Not everything needs to be analyzed. Being present in the now helps us eliminate negative thoughts and thought processes. Start today with this mindfulness practice. 

Take a moment each day to sit quietly, without distractions. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Notice each breath that comes in through your nose and out through your mouth. Notice the rise and fall of your abdomen with each breath. When thoughts arise, as they always do, allow them to pass by. Resist the urge to hold on to them. Instead bring your attention back to your breathing. This is all you have to do to begin a mindfulness practice and take your first step toward acceptance and peace of mind. 


Staying physically active is a great way, not only to stay healthier, but engaged in life. When we are engaged and doing something we enjoy we forget about our problems and stop worrying about how old we are. If you are not currently engaged in any sort of physical exercise, talk to your doctor and ask for guidance on the appropriate level of activity for you. 

Research has shown that even a fifteen minute walk each day can make a difference in our physical health and our mental and emotional well-being. Exercise is a natural mood booster. It fills our body with endorphins, and reduces stress. Your mental health will improve. Choose an activity that you enjoy and it will be easier to make it part of your life. 


Thinking positively and realistically is key to acceptance and happiness. Maybe you are in denial about something in particular, such as needing incontinence briefs. The fact is most things can be turned into positives just by changing your perspective. Besides, isn’t it worse to get caught out than actually using something we need? Just be thankful that you didn’t require them when you were 22. Swap negative thoughts for positive pines. If you find yourself going down a negative mental path, change it. Rather than thinking how much you hate messing with incontinence briefs, think about how great it is that you have them! Think of the alternative! Gratitude is an antidote to misery. Use it, even if you don’t feel it in the moment. Say the words, and eventually you will feel it. 

As we get older we have more time on our hands. Using it to stay busy with things we enjoy doing can change the quality and texture of our lives. Perhaps now is the time to pick up that paintbrush you always meant to get to. Or maybe see your friends more often, or join a group where you can make new ones. There is a lot to be grateful for. So, why not create a list of all the positives in your life and focus on those. 

Practicing acceptance of the passing of the years and where we are right now, we can begin to see the beauty and value of what is. Let’s enjoy life. Each moment is precious.


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