preparing for RetirementPreparing for retirement is an important step to take to help us ease into and enjoy our leisure years.  Exercise and a healthy diet are at the top of your list, and that’s great! But, what other steps can you take to be ready to enjoy your retirement years?

Here are a few steps you may not have considered. The goal in preparing for retirement is to put a few plans in place to give you peace of mind for any eventuality, so that you can kick back and enjoy the present moment. Of course we can never prepare for everything, but we can do the following. These suggestions may not seem pressing now, but trust me, you’ll be happy they are in place should you need them.

Plan for Emergencies

If an emergency arose today, would you be ready? Whether your preparing for retirement or not, having a plan in place for emergencies is just good common sense. Consider who you would ask for support or assistance with your various responsibilities should you be sidelined for a time.  Who would you call if you needed something urgently? Keep a small notebook of phone numbers, medications, contact names and numbers that is easily accessible. Choose one person to be your contact person and let them know where this notebook is kept.

Prepare an emergency kit should you need access to emergency medications that can help you relieve pain or ease anxiety as you await medical professionals. We don’t want to think about such eventualities, and we may never face such a crisis, but being prepared will give you peace of mind in the long run. For example, you may want to have an extra supply of OTC items, such as CBD oil in your emergency kit to help you through the immediate crisis and help put you on the path to recovery.

What You Might Need & How to Obtain Relevant Help

Specific arrangements can be made regardless of where you’ll live in your retirement years. Take some time now, to think about how you might go about getting help to take care of day to day household chores. Streamline, downsize and simplify now to make caring for your home less time consuming and a potential move easier. Consider how you might access healthy meals if you can not cook, keep track of your household bills if you cannot do it yourself. If you plan to remain in your home, how might you handle home-repairs? Put together a list of service people to call in an emergency, such as a plumber, an electrician, or a home improvement specialist. Finding and connecting with a senior’s community center in your locality can offer support through this process. Add any helpful phone number and contact person to your emergency contact list.


Home safety considerations should be a part of preparing for retirement. As we get older we’re less agile, and our vision often declines making us more prone to trips and falls. According to the CDC, “Every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S.—making falls the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group.” It behooves us to take a close look at our living environments and take steps to make it less hazardous.

A well-designed home can save you from heartache and harm. If you plan to downsize be on the look out for safety features when purchasing a new home. If you plan to remain in your home, the most important steps to take are getting rid of clutter and adding safety features such as handles in showers. Remove small area rugs that you might trip on and add non-slip features to stairs, inside and out.

Create a Budget

Whatever you plan to be doing as you prepare for retirement, reflect on how you would like to spend your time. Create a budget that will guide your expenditures. Consider not only your practical needs but funds for doing things that bring meaning and pleasure into your life. For example, include funds for that hobby you want to take up. How will you adjust your finances to make that possible? Create a monthly budget and a yearly one to help you stay on top of your finances and live comfortably.

Taking Control

Thinking about retirement preparation is one thing. Doing it, is another! To help make doing it more possible, make your plan actionable and realistic. If something is not working, make adjustments to it. Above all, take control of your life by preparing for retirement one step at a time.

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