Watch for These Signs That An Older Person Needs Support

Knowing when an older person needs support is not always easy. It is difficult when caring for aging parents, or a spouse, to know what they need. They were often the ones giving us support. Helping an elderly person any time is challenging, but learning what signs to watch for can make it easier to determine whether or not to look for additional support.

It might be hard to tell if your loved one needs extra support, as both you and the individual for whom you are caring can explain away a lot of things as “normal” signs of aging. Being a little bit forgetful is common (even for younger people) and older people do slow down physically. But how do you know when to consider extra support?

Here are some signs to look for:

Loss of Mobility

Older people often become less mobile and active. Sometimes age brings about a certain kind of physically frail and less ability to do the things we once did.  Struggling with mobility doesn’t mean that someone has to go straight to a nursing home. They may just need a little extra support, such as a walking aid. Watch your loved ones to see if they are finding it more difficult to do everyday activities such as moving around, cooking, cleaning, or other tasks. Balance is key here, as falls are particularly problematic. If you or your loved one loses your balance, talk to a doctor about what aids might be useful.

Person Needs Support

Struggling with Personal Care

Being able to take care for oneself as we age is an important part of remaining independent. When it becomes more difficult to shower and keep up with laundry, etc. we may put it at the end of our to-do list. Watch for signs that your loved one might be neglecting their personal hygiene or unable to manage other personal care tasks, such as eating regularly. Skipping meals, a refrigerator full of outdated food, piled up dishes, and dirty clothes, are all a good indication that help is needed. It can be extremely helpful to hire a regular care provider to assist a half day a couple of times a week.


It’s natural to become a little forgetful with the passing years. We expect some cognitive decline as we age. Many people, however, remain as sharp as ever. When is it time to become concerned about forgetfulness? If you notice that your loved one gets confused easily, gets lost when out and about, or struggles to remember things like making and eating meals, then it may be time to look into a possible diagnosis and memory care for seniors. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease require the right treatment and care to help older people have the best quality of life and keep them safe.

Unusual Behavior

Any unusual changes in behavior could be a sign that someone you know needs more help and support. Changes in behavior could indicate a variety of things, from dementia to urinary tract infections or depression. If someone’s behavior has changed suddenly or over time and you’re worried, suggest that they see their doctor. Access additional care assessments if you think that your loved one may need support.

Watch out for signs that an older person you know might need extra support so that you can help them when they need it most.

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