Making friends as a senior citizen is not always easy, especially if you have recently retired, lost a spouse, and/or moved to a new home or location. But, do not be disheartened. There are steps you can take to find friends and build relationships at every age. We all need and want companionship. Research has shown that staying connected with others is essential to our health and wellbeing. In other words, it is worth the effort and you will not only be doing yourself a favor, but offering friendship to others. They are searching for connection too!

Making friends as a senior

Here are a few suggestions:

Get Involved in Your Community

One of the best ways to make friends as a senior is to get involved in organizations and activities in your community. This can be through volunteering at a local organization, joining a social club, or participating in recreational activities like yoga, dance classes, or gardening clubs. Look for opportunities that align with your interests and hobbies, as this is the place you will be most likely to meet like-minded individuals.

Or, Find Your Community Online

Perhaps you have difficulty getting out and about or are interested in connecting from home. Fortunately, the rise of technology has made this very easy. There are now numerous online communities that cater to seniors. These online forums provide a platform for seniors to connect with one another, share interests, and participate in virtual events. Sites like Meetup, Facebook, and Nextdoor all have groups dedicated to seniors that provide a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for meeting new people.

Enroll in a Class or Workshop

Learning new skills or taking a class can be a great way to meet new people and socialize. Look for classes or workshops that interest you and attend with the intention not only of learning something new but of making new friends. Whether it’s a cooking class, a pottery workshop, or a writing course, these activities can provide a great avenue for meeting new people and building relationships.


Volunteering is not only a great way to give back to your community, but it’s a great way to meet new people and make friends. Look for opportunities to volunteer at local organizations, schools, or non-profit organizations. Chances are good you’ll meet warm, caring people from all walks of life while doing your part to make the world a better place.

Participate in Group Fitness Classes

Participating in group fitness classes is a great way to stay active and healthy. It’s also a great way to meet new friends. Look for classes that are specifically designed for seniors, such as yoga, tai chi, or water aerobics. These classes provide a supportive and welcoming environment for seniors to socialize and make new friends. Exercise has been proven to lift your mood as well.

Take a Trip

Traveling is perfect for making new friends as a senior. Look for senior-specific travel groups or tours, or consider traveling with friends or family members. Whether it’s a cruise, a road trip, or an overseas adventure, traveling is a great way to experience new cultures, try new activities, and meet new people. Shared experience is the perfect foundation for friendship building and what better experience than seeing the world together!

Reach Out to Old Friends

Reaching out to old friends is another great way to make new friends as a senior. Whether it’s reconnecting with a long-lost friend or catching up with an old neighbor, reaching out to old friends can provide a great opportunity to reminisce and reestablish important connections.

Consider Assisted Living

Assisted living is not right for everyone at every stage in their senior life, but if you think it could be a good fit for you, there is no denying that it offers residence a ready-made community and an arena for potential friendships. Assisted living situations offer ready made activities and make meeting new people easy.

Be Yourself and Have Fun

Finally, the key to making friends as a senior is to be yourself and have fun. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. You never know who you might meet or what new opportunities might come your way. And remember, making friends takes time, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away. Just keep trying new activities and meeting new people, and eventually, you’ll find the right connections.

Being a senior citizen does not mean you have to be lonely. Remember there are others, just like you, who are looking for companionship and connection. Having even just one loving, caring person in our life can make a world of difference in the way we live and enjoy our senior years. Reach out. Take a tiny step toward connection. You’ll be glad you did, and so will the other person!



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