5 Top Ways To Manage Your Mental Health

manage mental health

The media keeps us well-versed on the subjects of health and wellness. However, less is written on how women over fifty can manage their mental health. And yet, our mental health plays a key role in how much we enjoy life. Perhaps we focus on our physical health because it’s less complicated.

Learning to manage your mental health doesn’t have to be overwhelming. As we begin slowly to understand ourselves a little better and learn a few basic practices we will begin to see a difference in how we feel. The following five top tips are worth considering as they can play an important role in helping you manage your mental health and enjoying life more.


ONE: Learn How To Understand Your Feelings The first step in managing your mental health is to  understand how you’re feeling. While this may seem difficult it’s an essential step to take. Identifying and naming our feelings can take some time, but with practice we can learn to be more comfortable doing so. You may wish to seek the help of a professional to help you get started, or pick up a book to help you with the basics. Once you understand how you’re feeling, you can begin to align your actions with your feelings. These two steps will help you begin to manage your mental health.

TWO: Talk To Someone You Trust Talking to someone you trust is an invaluable resource when attempting to improve your mental health. This can be a close friend or family member, but it may be worth trying to find an anxiety counselor or similar professional. They’ll can provide you with tools and guidance as your work to improve your mental health.


THREE: Get Better Sleep When you’re struggling, it’s often difficult to get enough sleep, so it’s something you’ll need to put time and effort into. Develop a relaxing bedtime routine and make sure you’re getting between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. You may also wish to talk with your physician to see if you can unravel some of the causes of sleeplessness. Some medications have side effects that impact sleep, or you may want to be tested for sleep apnea. Getting consistent good sleep can have a big impact on mental health.

FOUR: Keep MovingYour physical health plays a large role in your mental health. A good diet and exercise helps us feel better emotionally and physically. Exercise improves sleep and keeping digestive issues at bay does as well. Physical activity increases the feel good hormone levels in our bodies too. If you’ve been feeling down, try going for a short walk regularly. You  may find that it greatly improves your mood.

FIVE: Plan Things Sometimes, when we don’t have something to look forward to, it can make us feel depressed. One of the easiest ways to get past this is to make a plan for yourself. Pull out your calendar and pencil in a few enjoyable outings for yourself. They don’t have to be fancy. A trip to the local gardens in the spring, or coffee with a friend will quickly give you something to look forward to. And, your spirits will lift.


These few simple steps will help you get started with a plan to manage your mental health. As you begin to take a few of these steps you may notice you’re feeling more in control of your life and managing your mental health much better and enjoying life more.


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