Why No One Should Fear Getting Older

fear of agingIn your 20s, you fear nothing because you’re young and headstrong and everything is so far away. As you age, the things you dreaded come into view and it’s almost as if you can touch them. That’s what’s scary – the prospect of the unknown. Regardless of your mindset, it’s hard to shake because of the fear of the unknown is in everyone.

The thing is there is nothing too surprising about aging. You lose some hair, you’re less active, and your joints hurt more in the morning. Are these things really worth stressing about?

The answer is no and here are the reasons why.

Vanity Fades Away

You can’t do anything in your young years without thinking about your appearance. For women, it’s as if we have to look our best at all times just to get through the day. Although it’s easier in your 20s, putting on making and worrying about your hair is still exhausting. So, it’s almost a relief when there is no reason to bother about any of that stuff any longer. Vanity fades away as you age and it leaves you with a better perspective of life. Anyone who is worried about their looks shouldn’t bother because it’ll be the last thing on your mind in your 60s and 70s.

Independence Takes Over

“Yes, but what the kids and empty nest syndrome? How will the hubby and I cope without the children to give us a purpose?” You’ll struggle at first because the past three decades have centered on your sons and daughters. As soon as they leave for college, it will feel weird. However, this is when most parents flourish because their independence kicks in. Before long they are working out more, taking extra classes and going on more vacations. And, when the kids do come back, they bring the grandkids and that’s a wonderful thing.

You Can Protect Yourself

Some people experience vulnerability and loneliness as they age. It’s common as loved ones disappear and your body isn’t as strong as before. Don’t fear though because there are ways to get over the emotions. For example, men and women check themselves into an assisted living facility. And, they read up about the dangers with an abuse attorney online so they can spot the warning signs. Not only does a nursing home provide care but it also offers a sense of community where everyone has each others’ backs.

You Accept Death

Unfortunately, no one lives forever. To a young person with their life ahead of them, that’s incredibly scary. To an older person, it’s something not worth worrying about. You’ve had a fantastic time and are continuing to do so, but you can’t stop what’s inevitable. Some find this hard to accept and can’t understand the logic, yet they haven’t been through what the previous generations have. If it happens, then so be it, but until that time let’s enjoy life.

After all, they don’t call them the golden years for anything.

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