Gift Ideas For An Elderly Relative

gift ideas

Gift ideas for an elderly relative are often not as easy to think of as one might imagine. Many seniors don’t want more “stuff” as they are thinking more about downsizing and simplifying. Their needs and interests are different, as well and some have grown disinterested in things they used to enjoy. Still, we want acknowledge an occasion arises, and they want to know they are loved and cared about.  Here are a few simple gift ideas that might be what your elderly relative would appreciate this year.


If you have a relative who is unable to walk by themselves without an aid, a good idea for a gift would be to pick out a Cane with a lovely pattern or design on it. It might not seem like a fun gift, but it is something they will be able to use every single day. A unique and interesting cane is like a piece of jewelry. It’s personal and a way to express their “style”.  For many a cane is a constant companion and it would mean a lot to them to receive a gift that was both personal and useful.


Life gets really busy for us, and there are many times when we simply can’t spend time with family. We don’t want to drift away from the people we love and taking an opportunity to plan a day out with your elderly relatives provides a great opportunity to reconnect and catch up. Perhaps a day out in the countryside, or afternoon tea, may be to their liking.  Or, maybe there is something you know they would enjoy doing but need a companion to do it. Any time spent with a relative you care about is a meaningful and rewarding experience.


Artwork is a unique and personal gift and one that many elderly relatives would enjoy.  Whether it’s something you purchase or make yourself, a one of a kind gift will be treasured and enjoyed. If you are the creative type, something designed personally for the individual is a perfect option.


When our relatives start to get a little older, their bodies may not work the way they used to. Living independently becomes a challenge.  Thinking of ways you can help them continue with their day to day lives in a more comfortable and safe fashion is a perfect gift. Safety is of paramount importance for our elderly loved ones and you may want to consider gifting them with something like a handrail, a stair lift, or other item that will improve their day-to-day lives.


A fresh bunch of flowers or a plant that they can care and tend to is a super simple, yet perfect gift,  for a relative.  If your relative enjoys gardening, you might consider buying a plant or two to add to their garden. If they like the house smelling fresh, give them a bunch of fragrant flowers such as lilies to brighten up their space.

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