MATURITY MATTERS: 3 Unusual Business Ideas for the Over 60’s

Some people are planning their retirement when they reach their 60’s. However, for many, the thought of not working is one they simply don’t consider. In fact, instead of retiring from work, they use this phase in their life, and the maturity and experience they have gained, to start their own business. Of course, there is a myriad of options to choose from, including some of the more unusual.

Life coach 

In many cultures, older people are respected for their wisdom and experience. After all, you have to have lived life to really understand what it is about. Sadly, in western culture, this is not always true. There are some businesses, however, that provide those over sixty with an opportunity to share their experience and knowledge. 

One such business model includes becoming a life coach, and the good news is it’s a company that you can run from the comfort of your own home. It also gives you the opportunity to choose your own hours, making it perfect option for those over 60 looking for a comfortable work-life balance. 

The role of a life coach is to work with clients in identifying and achieving their goals. Life coaches help their clients figure out what is keeping them from achieving their goals, holding them accountable, and teaching them how to break down a large goal to make it easier to achieve.

It’s perfect work for those over 60 because to draws on their wealth of experience and wisdom. Older folks are also more likely to have the maturity and people skills that will ensure they are effective in this role. 

Running a funeral home  

Another unusual but potentially very successful business choice for the over 60’s is to buy and run a funeral home. After all, it is only with the maturity that comes along with life experience and age that we learn the compassion needed to deal with those going through such a difficult time. 

Of course, such a business can be a costly one to buy outright, especially if you have no income or capital. Happily, there are companies like BSF that offer funeral home loans. Something that can allow you to get things moving and begin your business, providing a vital service for your community. 

Niche travel agent 

Lastly, another excellent option is to run a travel agent service for seniors. In fact, this can be an excellent fit, because as a senior you know the needs of your target market. You also understand the challenges of traveling during retirement. Issues such as how insurance goes up once you reach 70 and the necessity of disclosing any medical problems. 

You awareness of the issues facing seniors will put you in a better position to serve your clients, putting you in an excellent position to be successful running this type of business. 


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