stress reduction techniquesUsing stress reduction techniques have helped me weather any number of storms throughout 2020 and 2021. This just ending holiday season held a new level of angst for the Sander family. The resurgent pandemic was an unwelcome addition to the party, creating anxiety around long put off travel plans and gatherings. Sadly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to anxiety producing happenings in the world.  To welcome in a better 2022 I’m offering my list of stress reduction techniques because I’m hopeful that this will be the one takeaway from living through the last year that will prevail for all of us.


When we feel the enormous discomfort of too much stress, we receive an invitation to make significant, lasting changes in how we approach our lives. It’s hard to change. Don’t get me wrong, this list is and will always be a work in progress for me, but keeping these techniques readily available means we will use them more. Every time we use them we create new and better neural pathways in our brains, our bodies benefit and our lives are just a little bit more balanced. A balanced life is a more enjoyable life.



It takes 30 minutes for cortisol to reach maximum potency in the body after a stressful experience. If we catch our rising stress level earlier, we can slow or stop the release of cortisol by taking several slow, deep breaths (in through the nose and out through the mouth). Several slow deep breaths relaxes the body and reduces stress. We will experience less fatigue with less cortisol which keeps us not only more balanced, but healthier.


-Guided meditation is one of my go to stress reduction techniques. I find it helpful to have a calming voice present to override my over-active rational brain, or should I say irrational brain! Guided meditations can be found in a wide variety of places online.  Suggestions: Insight Timer, Audible, Spotify; all are free.


Throughout the day, particularly when I am feeling stress and anxiety creeping in, I take a few moments to tune into the here and now. It’s something that’s easy to do anywhere, anytime. I may focus on the feel of the floor beneath my feet, or wiggle my toes and focus on taking in every little nuance of the feel of my shoe. Or, I might be sitting somewhere, a doctor’s office or in line to pick up groceries and I close my eyes and focus on whatever my fingers are touching, the texture and shape of the chair arm, the cool, softness of the steering wheel. A few minutes sensing my body’s connection to my immediate environment can break up unhealthy thought patterns.


Journaling has rescued me many, many times throughout my life. It’s an opportunity to speak your mind without hesitation and in doing so provides the perfect format for processing feelings and emotions and bringing us to a better place.


When I discovered essential oils a whole new vista of experience opened up for me. They must do that for a lot of people or they wouldn’t be so popular! A good whiff of essential oil is better than ice cream! You don’t have to buy the oils themselves anymore, although you certainly can. An essential oil soy candle will work just as well. I do both. I do use a diffuser sometimes, but just as often I open up a bottle of Lavender, or other favorite and take a few sniffs. Aura Cacia is my preferred brand. Quality makes a difference.  It’s always pleasurable.


Calming music can work magic when tensions are rising. I love Enya, but music is a personal thing. Just find your go to and treat yourself when you’re feeling the need for some calm.


This doesn’t speak for itself. Take time to be by yourself in the quiet.


Sufficient sleep makes everything better and helps us maintain our resilience. If you haven’t read up on how to overcome sleep difficulties, just google the topic for improving this powerful stress reduction technique. I personally find that I sleep better when I exercise regularly.  Guided sleep meditations help me relax and fall to sleep more easily during stressful times.


Nature has a way of making us feel safe and calm. It’s restorative properties are readily available by just stepping out the door and finding a bit of it wherever we can.