How To Bounce Back When Everything Goes Wrong

Bounce Back

There are times when it feels as if the universe is playing a cruel trick on us. Like a stack of dominoes, one thing goes wrong and everything else follows. When this happens, it’s tough to bounce back and enjoy life again, but you can and should, for your own sake.  The last thing you want to do is slip into depression and waste your one precious life coasting by without taking chances. This is not to deny that life is a challenge now, but tomorrow is a new day.

Give yourself the best chance to bounce back by following these tips. Step by step, little by little, you can turn your misfortune into a positive outcome.

Process It Properly

The first step is to accept what happened and give yourself the necessary time to process it. Until you can come to a place of acceptance of the circumstances, you will be ruled by emotions.  Avoid burying your feelings and pretending to be happy.  Instead seek out help and support, whether it’s from a friend or a professional. Grief counseling is an excellent way to work through loss and all its related issues.  Even when our loss is not a person, but a dream, our grief is real. Venting to a friend can help relieve the pressure and provide temporary relief.  Avoid going it alone. We all benefit from support.

Remember The Positives  to Bounce Back

Strive to let the positives define you, not the negatives. When negativity takes hold life seems unbearable, and working at a positive attitude is an essential tool. Even when it doesn’t seem like there are any positives in your life, take a moment to think about what you are grateful for and what is going right for you. Look for things you are proud of. It might be helping others, or going to the gym and eating healthily. Focusing on the small victories is a healthy way to see your circumstances in a new light. It’s all about baby steps.

Bounce back



Look To Others

Not for help this time but acknowledgement. Acknowledge and accept the fact that people depend on you. For example, if you are a parent, it’s your job to make sure your children are safe and healthy, not the other way around. Take pride in being a good parent. This is not only better for your children, but better for you. When you realize you can’t continue down the same path or else others will suffer, your self-esteem will grow. You will like yourself more for being a responsible adult.

You’re In Control

Ultimately, you are in control of your destiny. How you react to the circumstances around you will have a significant say in the results. This awareness should be comforting as you are still free to steer your ship in a new direction. There will always be elements of luck along the way, but our reactions to what comes our way is the biggest factor in how we feel about our life. When people understand this, they feel less afraid. They know the future is in their hands. Take solace in this. After all, it means you can make your situation a temporary one and move on to pastures new.

Never forget that you’re not alone. The going gets tough, but there is always someone out there willing to help and be your guide to help you bounce back.

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